Advanced leadership development

Custom-designed leadership development programs for the current and future needs of the business
  • Identifying new opportunities for aspiring executives:
    There is an obvious progression to most roles, however there are also opportunities to leverage your people in new and productive ways by taking on new roles across the organization. “Up” isn’t the only path to success – we create a broader understanding of roles and their interactions within an organization to better prepare people for executive success.
  • Enhancing leadership effectiveness:
    Through comprehensive 360-degree assessments, we ensure your executives are leading from their strengths and addressing areas for growth. This process also discovers blind spots and enhances communication through the identification of personal styles and their impact.
  • Authentic leadership:
    We help leaders develop an authentic leadership style by exploring life experiences that have influenced the leader’s attitudes and beliefs, and highlighting their passions and values that define who they are as a leader.  Authentic leaders project confidence and commitment combined with self-discipline to get results.  As a result, they gain loyalty, respect, and create meaningful relationships, because they are true to themselves and others want to follow.  We help leaders recognize their full potential.
  • Emotional Intelligence:
    Leaders with emotional intelligence better identify with their strengths and weaknesses and they behave with humility.  They learn to know what they are feeling, what their emotions mean, and how these emotions affect other people.  Emotional intelligence is essential to any leader’s success.  We help leaders increase their self-awareness, self-regulation, motivation, empathy, and social skills.

    • By improving self-awareness, leaders are in a better position to understand others and the effect they have on people around them.
    • Improved self-regulation provides leaders with the discipline to think before they speak and deliver an appropriate message in any situation.
    • Leading by example motivates employees and demonstrates effective leadership.
    • Empathetic leaders earn respect by understanding situations from another’s point of view.

    Fine-tuning social skills increases a leader’s ability to build rapport with others, making relationships more comfortable, and making it easier to express a point of view.  It increases a leader’s ability to resolve conflict, improve communication skills, and to more easily praise and inspire others.

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